Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Young Parents Fiesta 2011

Thinking of where to go this weekend with your family? Join all other mummies at the Young Parents Fiesta 2011 @ Marina Square Atrium on 24 - 26 June 2011. Don't forget to bring along your little pea too :)

For more information, log on to:

Free Formula Milk, Anyone interested?

Lately, brands of baby nutritional food / milk are getting more and more competitive. Look at the one below from Friso! FREE 900g tin of Friso Milk!* Wah... No harm going down to take a look :)

Location: Compass Point, Level 1, Friso Booth
Dates: 25 & 26 June, 12pm - 8pm

Useful information

Friso Nutri Care Hotline: 6419 8484
For FREE Friso Sample Request: Sample request form 

* All Information are extracted from Friso Facebook

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Quote of the day :)

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for…"

New Page Added: Books Recommendation

Will be updating the page should I come across interesting titles.
Meanwhile, check out these titles for mummies and your toddlers at the
"Books Recommendation" page. ^-^

Other Links About Reading:

Monday, June 20, 2011

Good to Read, Read for Good!

It is an relaxing day. Not going anywhere and I spend most of the time with Lyn today. Lyn is down with slight running nose for the past few days, but she is in her recovery mode. I spend sometime reading the books that i have bought during the last Popular Expo Sales. Some really good books at unbelievable price. One of the good books that i would recommend is - Helping your Toddler to Sleep by Siobhan Mulholland. Though my fingers are only running through half the book, there are already quite a handful of tips that I have picked up along reading. They are indeed useful. I learnt what is REM? What types of sleeping mode is Lyn currently at, so as to determine whether I should turn on some light music, or to stay quiet like a mouse. And of cause, there more things to read about - topics on Seperation Anxiety, Sleep Terrors and Night Fears...

Just a thought: Maybe it should also includes tips on how do mother catch some sleep? ^-^ I believe you need yours and I need mine now... *yawn* Good Night!

Keep it going! 1,2,3

Early childhood education is important. It is never too early to put your little pea onto educational activity everyday. Lyn starts learning her first numbers when she is 5 months old. We start her on flash cards (you can make your own flash cards too) bought from mothercare (see picture below). Remember not to be too ambitous, as teaching little one to pick up learning  can be tough. In weeks, you should see your little pea progressing and at least be able to pick you cards that you named. Try 3 numbers in a week and follow by recapping or revising what she has learnt until she is ready to move on to the next number.

Turning 6 months, Lyn finally is able to differential what is 0 (zero) and 1 (one). Try it out, It may works for your pea too. Do work out a study plan to keep yourself motivated. If you do not plan to make your own cards, get these flashcards from mothercare at S$10.20. Happy teaching! ^-^


Making Your own Numbers Flash Cards

What you need

Vancard sheets


1. Do a Number Cards template  (see below)

You can make them using MSWords* or Photoshop.

*PM me if you need the samples (0-9) in MS Words.

2. Print and cut out the boxes.

3. Gule them onto Vancard sheets. Leave it to dry.

4. Cut out the boxes from the Vancard sheets and it's DONE!

Little Lyn First Blog :)

Visited many beautifully written blogs and I thought maybe it's time to start my own blog too :) Being a stay-at-home-mum, everyday is a new challenging day. You will start to think of what else you can do to your little pea tomorrow, what clothes is she going to wear and what new recipes to cook for her? hmm... Maybe it's time to work out an activity schedule. Let's do it tomorrow ^-^

Meawhile, as little lyn turns six months in june, we introduce Spinach as her first food. Yes, why spinach? Many mums must have been wondering why spinach and not any other fruits like apples or pears which has a sweeter taste? Introducing vegetables like spinach and broccolli before any other fruits can helps your baby be more acceptive over eating vegetables. And vegtables has all the vitamins that Lyn needs to keep her healthy! Here is a simple homemade recipes to share. Try it out, maybe your pea will like it too... :)

Spinach Rice Cereal

blended spinach 


Spinach (leaf only) 30g*
Organic Rice Cereal 2 tbsp
Milk 60ml


1. steam spinach for 10 mins, retain water 
2. cooked Organic Rice Cereal with milk in a pot
3. blend all together until smooth, leave to cool before serve

Gadgets that you will need:
Hand held blender
Cooking pot

* 30g is enough for 2 servings if you would like to blend the spinach alone and store it in the fridge.

Clueless where to get the stuffs? Check out these:

You can get affortable organic fresh spinach (chinese spinach) from shop & save at $2.30 for a big pack. 30g for your little pea and rest for your family! One pack serves all :)

Organic Rice Cereal
HIPP Organic Rice Pap from NTUC at $7.90. This could last me for a long time as Lyn just started her solids. She should take a while to finsh her first pack then.

Lyn is on Karihome Step 1. To learn more about Goat's milk, check out Karihome website. You can use any milk (even your EBM).

Hand Held Blender
I got a Philips Hand held blender at $39.30 from Philips Family Rewards Online. Small investment for good quality of baby food. *thumbs up*

Any cooking wok will do. Alternatively, if you have a 3-tier steamer, it's even easier.