Monday, June 20, 2011

Little Lyn First Blog :)

Visited many beautifully written blogs and I thought maybe it's time to start my own blog too :) Being a stay-at-home-mum, everyday is a new challenging day. You will start to think of what else you can do to your little pea tomorrow, what clothes is she going to wear and what new recipes to cook for her? hmm... Maybe it's time to work out an activity schedule. Let's do it tomorrow ^-^

Meawhile, as little lyn turns six months in june, we introduce Spinach as her first food. Yes, why spinach? Many mums must have been wondering why spinach and not any other fruits like apples or pears which has a sweeter taste? Introducing vegetables like spinach and broccolli before any other fruits can helps your baby be more acceptive over eating vegetables. And vegtables has all the vitamins that Lyn needs to keep her healthy! Here is a simple homemade recipes to share. Try it out, maybe your pea will like it too... :)

Spinach Rice Cereal

blended spinach 


Spinach (leaf only) 30g*
Organic Rice Cereal 2 tbsp
Milk 60ml


1. steam spinach for 10 mins, retain water 
2. cooked Organic Rice Cereal with milk in a pot
3. blend all together until smooth, leave to cool before serve

Gadgets that you will need:
Hand held blender
Cooking pot

* 30g is enough for 2 servings if you would like to blend the spinach alone and store it in the fridge.

Clueless where to get the stuffs? Check out these:

You can get affortable organic fresh spinach (chinese spinach) from shop & save at $2.30 for a big pack. 30g for your little pea and rest for your family! One pack serves all :)

Organic Rice Cereal
HIPP Organic Rice Pap from NTUC at $7.90. This could last me for a long time as Lyn just started her solids. She should take a while to finsh her first pack then.

Lyn is on Karihome Step 1. To learn more about Goat's milk, check out Karihome website. You can use any milk (even your EBM).

Hand Held Blender
I got a Philips Hand held blender at $39.30 from Philips Family Rewards Online. Small investment for good quality of baby food. *thumbs up*

Any cooking wok will do. Alternatively, if you have a 3-tier steamer, it's even easier.

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