Monday, June 20, 2011

Good to Read, Read for Good!

It is an relaxing day. Not going anywhere and I spend most of the time with Lyn today. Lyn is down with slight running nose for the past few days, but she is in her recovery mode. I spend sometime reading the books that i have bought during the last Popular Expo Sales. Some really good books at unbelievable price. One of the good books that i would recommend is - Helping your Toddler to Sleep by Siobhan Mulholland. Though my fingers are only running through half the book, there are already quite a handful of tips that I have picked up along reading. They are indeed useful. I learnt what is REM? What types of sleeping mode is Lyn currently at, so as to determine whether I should turn on some light music, or to stay quiet like a mouse. And of cause, there more things to read about - topics on Seperation Anxiety, Sleep Terrors and Night Fears...

Just a thought: Maybe it should also includes tips on how do mother catch some sleep? ^-^ I believe you need yours and I need mine now... *yawn* Good Night!

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