Monday, June 20, 2011

Keep it going! 1,2,3

Early childhood education is important. It is never too early to put your little pea onto educational activity everyday. Lyn starts learning her first numbers when she is 5 months old. We start her on flash cards (you can make your own flash cards too) bought from mothercare (see picture below). Remember not to be too ambitous, as teaching little one to pick up learning  can be tough. In weeks, you should see your little pea progressing and at least be able to pick you cards that you named. Try 3 numbers in a week and follow by recapping or revising what she has learnt until she is ready to move on to the next number.

Turning 6 months, Lyn finally is able to differential what is 0 (zero) and 1 (one). Try it out, It may works for your pea too. Do work out a study plan to keep yourself motivated. If you do not plan to make your own cards, get these flashcards from mothercare at S$10.20. Happy teaching! ^-^


Making Your own Numbers Flash Cards

What you need

Vancard sheets


1. Do a Number Cards template  (see below)

You can make them using MSWords* or Photoshop.

*PM me if you need the samples (0-9) in MS Words.

2. Print and cut out the boxes.

3. Gule them onto Vancard sheets. Leave it to dry.

4. Cut out the boxes from the Vancard sheets and it's DONE!

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